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bullet Oystermouth Parish Activities

Various Parish Activities and Groups

  • Christian Aid Group
  • Coffee Mornings: All Saints Wednesdays after the 11am Eucharist and at Norton Misson Church on Thursdays at 10.30am every week. 
  • Flower Guild
  • Fairtrade Stall
  • Mumbles Churches Together
  • Friends of All Saints' Group
  • Mumbles Festival of Music & the Arts
  • Music -  Choir, Organ, Concerts etc
  • Servers - contact Dr. Mark Smith, Head Server.
  • 'Warriors' and 'Boudica' working party 


Meeting times and venues


  • Wednesday 11am All Saints' Coffee Morning [weekly after the Holy Eucharist]
  • Wedneday 7.00 - 8.00pm (approx) Senior Choir [weekly in All Saints]
  • Thursday 10.30am Norton Coffee Morning [weekly at Norton village hall] Not during August.
  • Thursday 1.30 pm Warriors - Men's Working Party [ weekly in All Saints] contact STuart on 449837