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bullet The first Parish Magazine Feb 1899

1899 Magazine

The first ever Oystermouth Parish Magazine was published in February 1899 under the editorship of Rev'd Harold S Willams. Below are links to all the  pages from that important and historic document. Simply click on the page you wish to view. Some of the print is a little faded. Each page may take a little time to load depending on the speed of your internet connection, so please be patient.

Page One - front cover of the magazine

Page Two -  services and some general information

Page Three - offertories, baptisms, weddings, burials and notices

Page Four - clergy and organist appointments. Notice of confirmation

Page Five - a sermon on Lent 1899 and some news

Page Six - Day Schools of the Parish. Oystermouth Choral Society

Page Seven - local adverts

Page Eight - more local adverts